Our year-end 2020 Blog Year in almost all show tune salutes
Friday, December 25, 2020
Our year-end 2020 Blog Year in almost all show tune salutes or parodies
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Remembering our family working with Rebecca Luker -
In the Times obit, it's mentioned that Danny and Rebecca met on the show "Time and Again, " which Skip wrote with Jack Viertel, though they started dating the following year, (That production must have had something in the air- Howard McGillin met his now-spouse at a reading of the show.).
Here's Rebecca's audio of Skip's song "Fairy Tale Life" from that production
Rebecca is also quoted: “I wish I had branched out a little more,” she said cheerily. “Maybe played a bitch or something.”
After she had done "Darling of the Day" at the York, Rebecca had mentioned that, and I wrote what was really a very detailed treatment built around her, and then a fuller story, which Bill Connington, Ellen Schwartz and Skip Kennon really developed directly for her. We did a reading of the first act in 2008.mainly to see how she felt about the material.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Saluting Irish Rep for really stepping up as an example: We offer a pragmatic-for-2020 "Meet Me on Zoom in St Louis".
An off-B'way parody-tribute: Saluting the Irish Rep with a pragmatic-in-2020 "Meet Me on Zoom in St Louis"
"Have a Merry Distant Christmas (and Have it Yourself!)"

Sunday, December 6, 2020
Remembering actor David Prowse, who became best known embodying Darth Vader
A quick "Darth of Your World" - the parody asks: Will we ever get to see Darth Vader in "Disney's Star Wars" onstage?