Thursday, February 20, 2025

"SEMI-QUIN-CENTENNIAL"- for U.S. 250th B'DAY JULY 4 2026 - a "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" parody

A possible "Mary Poppins"-"1776" parody crossover -

Felt like an OK time to upload our YouTube to the upcoming 250th anniversary of U.S. independence!

The U.S. will celebrate our "Semiquincentennial" on July 4, 2026. There's still time (over a year) to learn how to spell and pronounce it properly.

"SEMI-QUIN-CENTENNIAL"- for America's 250th BIRTHDAY JULY 4 2026 -

A "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (the great Sherman Brothers song) parody

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Remembering what "Off-Broadway" used to mean - with many of today's off-B'way tickets costing $400 and up

 Inspired by the recent Times article "Off Broadway, Labor Tension Heats Up"

With many of today's off-Broadway tickets costing $400 to $500 and up - remembering in a musical parody-tribute video what "off-Broadway" used to mean.

"Off-Broadway" - Parody-tribute to "On Broadway" 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Reprising SALLY'S TALLEY'S FOLLIES now for Bernadette Peters & Danny Burstein both back on Broadway in Sondheim shows

 Posting this at this time for both Bernadette Peters and Danny Burstein being back on Broadway in Sondheim shows -  

This was a tribute to the glorious Danny Burstein going from playing opposite Bernadette Peters as 'Sally" in FOLLIES to playing opposite Sarah Paulson as "Sally" in TALLEY'S FOLLY.

SALLY'S TALLEY's FOLLIES - "Story of Sally & Sally" - From FEB. 2013

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

With the new Hugh Jackman show setting records at Radio City, reprising our parody-tribute to the ticket prices!

With the new Hugh Jackman show setting records at Radio City Music Hall, reprising our parody-tribute to how we feel about buying pricy tickets to a Hugh Jackman show!

“I RAID MY KEOGH” - parody of “I GO TO RIO”