Sunday, March 9, 2025

Five years this week since Covid hit us, and on a theater-specific level, Broadway closed - "WHEN I'M STUCK AT HOME" - our 7-minute movie-musical

 As we're being reminded, this week is five years from when Covid hit us, and when on a theater-specific level, Broadway closed. 

This was my YouTube channel's musical snapshot of where we were in Spring 2020, and maybe it can help to comparing Spring 2020 to where we are now - the business having gotten through it but with so much loss.
"WHEN I'M STUCK AT HOME" - our 7-minute mini-movie-musical - where we were in Spring 2020

The wonderful Emily McAleesejergins plays a performer trying to make the best of things: 
starting with "Make 'Em Masks"
then doing social-distancing parody versions of roles the performer would like to be doing rather than masking and isolating - 
Mama Rose (Gypsy)
Joanne (Company) 
Bianca/Lois Lane (Kiss Me Kate) 
and Dorothy at "Home" with Toto a while longer.

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